is a project in which, I would like to present my research and its interpretation in a visual way about
form of beauty and aesthetics. Aestheticization in our life have a huge impact on us. It determines our
behaviour and way of thinking. It is more than a way of showing information for visual language,
it can create special and unique feelings in us.
As humans, we all aim and desire beauty around or to feel it inside us. But do we really know what
Beauty is? Are we appreciating moments with experiencing Beauty it in our lives?
Do we reflect enought?
In my work I’m trying to show how form of beauty was changing with the time,
but also how subjective and universal this term is.
Everything and in the same time nothing.
Can have different appearance, and interpretations, but the general features stay the same:
contemplation, meeting the inner self, perceiving, feeling pleasure and satisfaction, connecting to the
nature, feeling of something special unique.
I could say “Beauty” is when eternity is not enough.
Not enough to experience.
Please get your new experience and interact with the work, and space.
Gabriela, i just have one word for your graduation project: